Tower Theatre Foundation Privacy Policy

The Tower Theatre Foundation is committed to safeguarding your online privacy. The Tower Theatre Foundation does not collect personal information about individuals, such as names and mailing or email addresses, unless the individual knowingly provides it. By choosing to provide this information, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Tower Theatre Foundation’s Privacy Policy. The Tower Theatre Foundation’s Privacy Policy is outlined below. Please note that we review our privacy practices from time to time, and these practices are subject to change. We ask that our visitors periodically review this page to ensure familiarity with the most current version of our privacy statement. If you have any questions or comments about our privacy practices, you may contact us at Please include the word “privacy” in the subject line.

Usage data

When you visit the Tower Theatre Foundation’s website, our servers automatically collect information about the IP address from which you access the site (an IP address is the number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you are surfing the web), the pages you visit, the date and time you access our site, and the type of browser and operating system that you are using. We use this information to better understand how our site is used. This research is compiled and analyzed on an aggregated basis.

Data retention

The Tower Theatre Foundation retains personal information only as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, to meet our current and future legal requirements, and to support our business operations. If you have questions about our data retention practices or wish to request the deletion of your personal data, please contact us at, including “data retention” in the subject line.

Data security

The Tower Theatre Foundation is committed to protecting the security of the personal information we collect and maintain. We implement a variety of administrative, technical, and physical security measures designed to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of personal information. Our security practices include, but are not limited to, encryption of data in transit and at rest, secure access controls, regular cybersecurity training for our staff, and the use of reputable third-party services with strong security policies and controls to adapt to new threats and compliance requirements as stipulated by federal and Oregon state laws, specifically adhering to the Oregon Consumer Identity Theft Protection Act (OCITPA).

In the event of a data breach, we are prepared to take immediate action in accordance with applicable legal requirements, including notifying affected individuals and relevant authorities when necessary. Our goal is to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all personal data we hold, and to instill confidence in our patrons and partners that their data is treated with the utmost care and security.

Email Content

You may choose to provide us with personal information in an email message and/or to one of the addresses listed throughout our site. We use this information only to respond to your message.

As a service, the Tower Theatre Foundation offers visitors the opportunity to subscribe to the Tower Theatre Foundation’s newsletter to stay up-to-date on the latest events and ticket deals. You may unsubscribe at any time, and a link to unsubscribe is included at the bottom of every email newsletter. Email addresses are never rented or sold to third parties. Occasionally, we may share data with rental companies upon their request. The information shared may include customer names, email addresses, zip codes, and, in some instances, phone numbers. A disclaimer regarding this practice is provided at the bottom of relevant event pages. Should you have any questions regarding this data usage, please contact the Tower Theatre Foundation at

Children’s Online Privacy Protection

In compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), the Tower Theatre Foundation does not solicit personal information from children. Visitors twelve years of age and under should remember that they are required to obtain an adult’s permission before submitting any personal information to this or any other website.


Cookies are small files of information that are stored on your computer’s hard drive by your web browser. The cookies we use do not contain any personal information. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can change the preferences of your browser to prevent accepting or to block them. If you block cookies, you may not be able to use certain site features or functions.

Third-Party Vendors

As is common, we use data processors who are third-party vendors that provide elements of services for us. We have contracts in place with our data processors, which means they cannot do anything with your personal information unless we have instructed them to do so, except where noted below.

Ticketing Processor

Spektrix is our third-party ticketing software vendor. Spektrix will not share your personal information with any organization apart from us and Dotdigital. They will hold it securely and retain it for the period we instruct. When you create an account, you are asked about your communication preferences. You can always log in to your Spektrix account to update your communication preferences or opt out at any time. Further information regarding Spektrix’s privacy policy may be found here.

Dotdigital is a Spektrix integrated platform where emails are created. Patrons’ email addresses are pulled from Spektrix to generate the lists. Every email we send has the option to unsubscribe at the bottom.

Donations Processing Platform

Give Lively is our third-party donations processing platform provider. When you donate through the Give Lively platform, they collect your name, email, contact information, donation amounts and dates, and payment information. You provide this information so that they can set up your account, process your donations, communicate with you about those donations, and promote opportunities for future donations. Furthermore, when you donate to the Tower Theatre Foundation through Give Lively, they will provide us with your name, email address, and the amount you donated. In addition to the above, Give Lively may use your personal data to send you marketing information about their services and/or nonprofit partners. You may opt out of these types of communications at any time by emailing Give Lively directly at Further information regarding Give Lively’s privacy policy may be found here.

Marketing Communications

If you provide us with personal information (such as name, email address, mailing address, and/or telephone), or have done so in the past, via our website, our publications, or in conversation with our team, we may use that information to send you updates on our latest company news, performances, and/or other happenings at the Tower Theatre. We only send communications where we believe you may have a genuine interest in receiving them. You can always opt out of these communications. To tell us your contact preference, please contact us at with the subject line “contact preference.” To opt out of any email communications from us, please click the “unsubscribe or opt-out” link at the foot of the email in question.

The Association of National Advertisers (ANA) offers a mail suppression service that reduces the overall volume of promotional prospect mail offers you receive from common mailing lists. You can learn more by visiting their website at

Data Sharing

We do not sell, exchange, share, or rent any lists to arts organizations, arts programmers, political parties, or political candidates. Additionally, credit card information is confidential and not disclosed to any third parties, except as detailed in the Third-Party Vendors section of this privacy policy.


If you do not want your name and/or contact information to be used in the manner stated above, you may indicate this at the time you provide the information. If an “opt-out” option is not offered, or if you decide after providing this information that you do not want us to share your information with any other organization, you may also notify us in an email addressed to Please put “do not share” in the subject line. We cannot, however, remove your name from any third-party list; you will have to contact them directly.

Your Data Rights

The Tower Theatre Foundation recognizes and upholds the rights of our patrons and website visitors concerning your personal data. As a data subject, you have the right to access your personal information, request corrections to any inaccuracies, request deletion of your data where it is no longer necessary for us to retain, and object to certain types of processing. You also have the right to request restrictions on how we use your information and to obtain a copy of your personal data.

To exercise any of these rights, please contact us at with a detailed request. Please include “Data Subject Request” in the subject line to ensure prompt handling. We are committed to responding to your inquiries and requests within 30 days of receipt, in accordance with Oregon law and applicable federal regulations.