Central Oregon Community College’s 2025 Season of Nonviolence

We all strive for a world where everyone feels like they belong. Rather than focus on what separates us, Rev. Naomi Tutu will encourage us to focus on our shared humanity. She believes it’s important for everyone to recognize how our actions, or lack thereof, impact those around us. She will talk about how our differences are opportunities, and how the foundation for a just society is where we accept others and recognize the potential for greatness in each of us. This will foster a brighter future where everyone feels a sense of belonging.
FREE and OPEN to the public.
ASL interpretation provided.
Please plan to arrive early. We will give unclaimed seats to those waiting for seats at 6:35pm.
Can’t make it? Register here for access to the recorded version of this program. Registrants will receive an email with a link to the recorded event several days after the event. We are not livestreaming this event.
For more information, visit cocc.edu/snv
Co-organized by COCC’s office of diversity and inclusion and COCC Foundation’s Nancy R. Chandler Lecture Series.
First Story and the National Endowment for the Humanities are the Premier sponsors for this programming with additional support from Associated Students of COCC, Brooks Resources Corporation, Cascades Academy, Oregon Community Foundation – The Casey Family Fund, St. Charles Foundation, City of Bend and The Tower Theatre.